Monday, June 4, 2012

Make Mine Gahna

So, yesterday we went to the girls' home, where we were met with the calm before the chaos.  There were so many guests coming yesterday that the staff was in a tizzy trying to get ready for everyone!  So, Kendra and I occupied the girls for about half an hour with our first activity we'd prepared.  Using a mirror as a visual aid, we explained to the girls how God does certain things (like love others) and we are supposed to reflect Him because we are made in His image.  Then, we played a game that I've seen used in a lot of theater circles: "The Mirror Game".  Each person is paired with a partner.  One of them is the leader, and the other is the follower, a.k.a. the reflection.  The girls seemed to have a great time playing!  They jumped up and down, played with their hair, and several of the older girls incorporated some Indian dance moves into the exercise!  When we were finished, we took some time to have the girls talk about what they experienced.  They had really good things to say about learning to follow where God leads them and walk the path He sets out.  Lastly, we incorporated what appears to be one of their favorite mediums: song!  Dividing them into two groups, Kendra and I taught them how to sing and do the movements for "Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu".  (It's that traditional kid's camp call and response song where one group is the "hallelu" and the other is "praise the Lord".)
By the time we were finished, the guests were arriving!  The two American couples from church on Sunday, along with the Indian director of the home, another Indian pastor and his wife, and a new volunteer who had just come that morning all piled into the sitting room, where the girls entertained them with some original gahnas (Hindi word for song) that they had written themselves.  They also say one song in Hindi that they had learned at church.  All of the songs were accompanied by actions, so it was quite fun to watch!
Following a quick lunch, we laid the girls down for nap time and headed home.  The rest of the night we spent relaxing and eating some Indian food that the maid had prepared for us.  Ice cream for dessert and off to bed, although we got to watch a fascinating documentary about Windsor Castle and several episodes of "So You Think You Can Dance" before we finally called it a night...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an exciting, interesting, fun time you had! Love the idea of using a mirror as a visual aid and explaining to the girls how God does certain things and we are to reflect Him because we are made in his image.

    Praying for you, Kathleen.


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